Lego 10292, The Friends Apartment is the second set released from the popular TV Series Friends. This set focuses on the two main apartments used in the series and features 7 unique Minifigures and 2048 pieces in total, with an RRP of £159.99 but is also part of that newer 18+ range Lego has done.… View Post

Properly Managing a Breakup When You Have Little …

Properly Managing a Breakup When You Have Little Ones

Properly Managing a Breakup When You Have Little Ones, Most of us want to follow the fairytale life where we meet someone, settle down, have kids and live happily ever after. Of course, this isn’t always the case for all of us. Whether we want to accept it or not, a significant number of relationships or marriages do end. However, we do need to change our mindset towards this. … View Post

Keeping Up To Date With The Latest Tech

Keeping Up To Date With The Latest Tech

Many of us love the latest gadgets in our lives. We like the idea of having the latest phone release, the up-to-date computer and tablet technology and even embracing it when it comes to making our homes smart. However, with so many different tech advances, is it possible to keep up to date with all of the latest releases and tech trends? There are a few things you can do to stay ahead of the game. … View Post

How to Plan Your Family Vacation

How to Plan Your Family Vacation

Are you ready to take your family on a vacation? A vacation can be an exciting adventure for you and your family but it does require some careful planning. Failure to plan out your vacation can lead to a lot of turmoil especially when you are travelling with kids. It’s best to have everything organized ahead of time so that you do not experience any delays or problems. … View Post

Essential Ways to Take Care of Your Family

Essential Ways to Take Care of Your Family

As a parent, you know the importance of taking care of your family. You provide for them financially. A mum or dad wears many hats, and sometimes multiple hats on a given day. You cook, clean, and guide your loved ones on their respective journeys. With all of this in mind, you need to take proactive steps to plan for the unfortunate circumstance where you may no longer be with them. Follow these tips to get your affairs in order without delay.… View Post

Star Trek Prodigy | Supernova

Star Trek Prodigy | Supernova

Star Trek Prodigy Supernova is the first Star Trek game from Outright Games which focuses on the Animated Paramount Plus series, Star trek Prodigy. This action-adventure is released on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox S/X and Steam.… View Post

Lego 76956 T-Rex Breakout

Lego 76956 T-Rex Breakout

Lego 76956, T-Rex Breakout is the first of a different range of Jurrasic world/ Park sets based on a scene with a stand, it contains 1212 pieces and includes 4 minifigures exclusive to this set, with two vehicles and the big T-Rex, its RRP is £89.99.… View Post

What Video Games to buy this Christmas?

What Video Games to buy this Christmas?

What Video Games to buy this Christmas? Well, with the big day approaching and a huge amount of video games on the market, the question is what to buy. Here are some varied choices from Frontier Development Games to choose from, which can cater for many people’s tastes, and gaming levels on different platforms.… View Post

Are These Things Causing You Stress In Your …

Are These Things Causing You Stress In Your Life?

When it comes to your life and stress, there can often be hurdles in the way that can cause you issues. Sometimes these things will cause unnecessary stress and have you feeling like there is no right or won’t answer. But it doesn’t mean you have to continue to feel helpless when often there are practical solutions that can ease the pain. Here are some of the common things that can cause you unnecessary stress and how you can handle them.       … View Post

Diary From A Dad | October 2022

Diary From A Dad | October 2022

As each month goes by my Diary from a Dad look at what’s happening with our little family, through all the adventures, challenges and obstacles that come to our lives. As a family of 5, with 3 children at different ages every day, week and month can offer something different. With the month of Halloween here, half-term fun and school well underway what happened this month?… View Post