Diary From A Dad | May 2023

As each month goes by my Diary from a Dad look at what’s happening with our little family, through all the adventures, challenges and obstacles that come to our lives. As a family of 5, with 3 children at different ages every day, week and month can offer something different. We hit May, the sun was out, half term was here and a trip away was on the cards, while Roo began her exams.


Historically Exams happen in May, and for Roo it was no different, for me when I was growing up by the end of May and half term, all our exams were done, I don’t ever remember them going in June, but nowadays this is the case. But with Roo she began in May, I’ve written about it all year and even done a separate post about her final run in GCSE exams etc..

one of the things I’ve noticed this year is that the school has provided lots of additional time focus on these, even with strikes her studying wasn’t effected, often period 6’s which happens when regular schools end, and period 0, which is before anything starts are often offered as additional study time etc.

Shes’s doing well and have found the exams mixed, we’ve tried to keep her positivity up and keep her on the ball, with having a half term in the middle of it, I am concerned about what effect it will have afterwards. But during this month it’s all go, with revision, long days, and busy weekends, but it’s all worth it.

Cinema Trips

As for the other two both Tigger and Piglet, we saw relatively easy months, not a lot happened, a couple of cinema trips for Tigger and I, with potentially lots more coming with a summer of films that we like. With them both into Gaming they are spending much more time together, Piglet likes to hang out in the boy’s room, which is very cute. She loves him and is her favourite person, he’s very good with her but she loves being around him and will happily chill in his room while then do gaming for hours if they could.

Heading North

With the search for a family car continuing we decided to opt for our half-term outing In my car, which would be a little stretch as we were going the furthest we had been in not our normal family car. To combat this our adventure heading north would have a stop off on the way up and one on the way back.

As this was at the end of the month ill talk more about it next month, however, the first part was a stop-off outside Gateshead at a place called Beamish, this was a round the corner of the family so we combined it as a chance to see some family “up north”, which was great in particular for the kids due to the distance it’s a little limited.

There’s a place called Beamish the living museum of the North in which essentially a village and surrounding land is being made into a living museum, in which you can travel around from eras of the past. With buildings, actors, transport, and items all from the past it’s a great way to see things and almost actually live it. compared to going into a museum and looking through glass on a roped-off area. It’s a very different and interesting place, the family had been there before but for me, it was my first trip and was an excellent day out.

Next month

Next month we will continue through this adventure, while Roo finishes her exams, and then onto another trip but this one was requested by Roo as a reward for finishing her exams.


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