Diary of our COVID 19 Lockdown | week 4

I’m documenting our lockdown weeks so in the future we can look back and know what happened, and what we were doing during this time as our memories can get a bit lost looking back, so this week is the 4th week we are on lockdown, I’m still a key worker, whereas the rest of the family are at home.

Table of Contents


I’ll be honest right from the start, it has been a lacklustre week, this weeks keyword for me is motivation, I’ve struggled a lot with my own motivation, I’ve been working early mornings, getting up at 4.45 on some days and then others have been working later but getting home at 10.30 pm, then the odd shift in the middle, this has meant my sleep pattern has been all over the place.

In turn, there have been moments where I just can’t be bothered or I’m tired, working full time again, doing my blog, spending time with family and doing bits around the house has really used a lot of my brainpower. I’ve done it before but this weeks just felt like a dud.

The overall vibe of the house this week really has been that relaxed chilled out with everyone mostly not doing lots, Boo has been doing some housework and the blog but in reality, even that was more low key than normal, with nothing out of the norm, she did manage to get some more bargain but not plant-based ones this week lol.

The kids being on their second week of Easter break haven’t done lots, we let them essentially do what they want over easter with term time being mores structured and school work for half of the day, the weather been ok so the kids have been playing outside but I can see the novelty just starting to wear off, we are trying to get more outdoor stuff but with money tight it’s deciding and planning stage at the moment, however, bin storage was the latest addition to the garden, to go along with the same one from before that holds the kiddies outdoor toys.

Tigger has been on his iPad and thankfully we realised that his iPad is compatible with all his schoolwork stuff coming up next week, he’s been playing with it and also has Disney plus on it, so he’s been trying that out as well.

Watching Streams

Roo has been binge-watching stuff like normal, Brookline 99 and Glee were on the card recently, however, an odd twist this week as shes been suddenly playing Animal crossing on the switch with Tigger, (which he loves post incoming soon)he’s been guiding her through it and that take turns as they live on the same island, but she’s also been playing the Xbox one with him, as per I’ve discussed on previous posts, I have the Xbox Game pass, I haven’t bought any games (except farming sim for Boo, another post another day lol), so the take advantage of the games, but its nice shes playing with him more again.

Film nights have been a big saviour for us, because of everything that’s been going on its been the only time we have been able to all sit together (not piglet she’s asleep), I love films and invested in a film set up in the lunge because of it so we take advantage of it.

Piglet has had a giant box that the garden in storage came in, so this has been her week…if your children have ever had a box you know what I mean

But as I said overall it has been a bit of blah week, it feels like the kids are hitting that block, hopefully, the return to the structure of school work etc will help but it looks like the first signs of struggling in what t do with all of this etc, as for Boo and I, we are balancing a million things with money, time and everything in our minds, but hey many more weeks to go at this rate…



  1. 24 April 2020 / 4:40 pm

    I’m so glad I bought a Nintendo Switch in March so now I have something to do while on furlough

  2. 25 April 2020 / 11:35 am

    The kids are getting back to schoolwork this week which has been good for them. We have had a birthday in the house this week which has been fun, but work is getting harder. The customers seem grumpier than ever and they have now banned all overtime as are overspent 🙁

  3. Rhian westbury
    25 April 2020 / 1:12 pm

    I’m sure you’ll find a bit more structure next week when homeschooling starts again. You must be finding the different shifts so tough though, I hope people in the store are being a bit better x

  4. 26 April 2020 / 12:14 pm

    I bought myself a Switch last month for Animal Crossing, it’s been such a welcome distraction. We get sent so much work home for my daughter even though she is only in year 1 we have little time to get it finished over each day.

  5. 27 April 2020 / 10:05 pm

    I know what you meant its been going on a while now so I think we will be having more blah moments. But films in the evenings sound a nice way to pass the time. We watched one tonight, usually the boys insist they game but I thought it would be good to have some time together.

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