Have A Blog? Is It Protected?

Have A Blog? Is It Protected? Your blog can often be a huge passion project. It is something that you work hard at, pour your heart and soul into, use as a tool for your business, and generally put a lot of effort into the content you produce and what you share. Does that sound about right? So the main question to ask would be, is your blog protected?


Is Your Blog Protected?

Probably not as well as you may have thought. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you need to consider when it comes to protecting your blog, and website in general. Let’s discuss some of the things that you can do. 

Can you prevent content theft?

Content theft is really getting more and more common. Of course, at first, when you hit publish, you hope someone is going to read it, and perhaps your last thought would be that you hope nobody copies or steals it. However, it is happening more and more, so a good idea is to check any linkbacks to your site to see what the content is. You can also check with sites like Copyscape for plagiarism. 

Protecting your personal details

Bloggers get sent items for reviews and also things to share online. However, are your personal details properly protected? Of course, you may choose who you give your details but having a PO Box for items can help protect it, and you can also look at ways for registering your blog or setting up a company if you choose to take your blog to a different level. Personal security is still very important. 

Are you protected from hackers? 

You may think hackers are not interested in your blog, but this is where you are wrong. There is always something to gain, so you need to ensure that you are protected on your website. This is when network security testing is important to ensure that you have decent cybersecurity measures in place. Make sure you are protected and that your information can not be used. 

Is your blog meeting official standards? 

There are new laws in place which means that anyone that submits information such as names and email addresses must be protected under the new GDPR regulations, and even as a blog owner, you need to ensure that your website complies with these rules. A simple disclosure can often cover you, but there is a lot more information online to help you overcome this. 

When was the last time you backed up your blog?

You would back up your computer; you would back up your phone, but have you backed up your blog recently? The chances are not so much. The truth is, your website could crash, it could be hacked, and you may end up losing content unless you have backed it up. A backup could then be used to restore your blog or website, should something happen to it. Do this every few months as a precaution. If you are sharing a lot of content, you may want to do it more often. 

Have you got a safe password?

Finally, is your password safe? This is the easiest way hackers can get into your blog and also sabotage all of the hard work you have put into it. A decent password should be used, but also if you can change it regularly, then this can up your security level. 

Let’s hope these tips help you to keep your blog protected.


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