I’ve always liked Horror films and they can often be varied, with some can be violent, bloody, Scary, psychological, gory, and suspense, but they can also be a all of it. Some people don’t like them, like Boo who is happy to never watch a Horror film again, but some it’s their favourite genre, and it’s just normal entertainment for them. In reality, some haven’t ever really aged but for others, our taste and tolerance of these films have changed, and some of the older ones are not as frightening as they once were intended to be.… View Post

My Top 5 Epic Adventure and Historical War Films

My Top 5 Epic Adventure and Historical War Films

It has a big title but that’s because it’s a big category, many o these big Epic Adventures also have war parts to it, many historical films with it being fiction or not are all set around big battles or battles within what there doing, for me, they can often be spectacular and some of the most well-known films in history spanning almost 100 years to films like King Kong, Lawrence of Arabia etc but with myself being born in the 80’s man of the films I hold dear spawn across 80’s to now.… View Post

My Top 5 Western Films

My Top 5 Western Films

Western films use to be THE films in the industry, and for many Americans of the older generation they still hold this so dear to there heart, but being British we don’t perhaps hold them as highly regarded but there are still many of them are just good quality films, and still, the names of many are known, maybe not with the younger generation but these films should still be remembered… View Post

My Top 5 Comedy Films | 90’s and Earlier Edition

My Top 5 Comedy Films | 90’s and Earlier Edition

Comedy films can be so important to our own lives and moods, they can lift your spirits and raise your mood, you could be upset and this could turn your day around, and with comedy films, in particular, they have changed over many years. Many other genres changed because of the technology advances, however, comedy films have changed based on peoples taste and cultural changes.… View Post

My Top 5 Musicals

My Top 5 Musicals

Musicals have bee around for many years and for many people some of there favourites in history if I’m honest I’ve been around them all my life being in a female dominant environment, and I don’t actually mind them, I like music and there often still got a story with those catchy songs, they like comedies can often raise spirits and change your mood, even in a cinema this can be dazzling in the performances, with many crossing over the stage musicals or vice versa.… View Post

My Top 5 War Films

My Top 5 War Films

War films are often full of action but also can be emotional both in the story and the remembrance of some of the hardest times in our lives, these films can be done extremely well and when they are, are some of the best films for many. They can be epic, in scale and size, but they can be so filled with story, these films are broad in nature.… View Post

My Top 5 Action Films | 80’s and 90’s Edition

My Top 5 Action Films | 80’s and 90’s Edition

Action films have always been close to my heart, I grew up on watching them and all of my friends enjoy action films, often will reference them and talk about them. Carrying on the Top 5 series Action films can spawn different emotions, and I often think can look great on a big TV or cinematic experience.… View Post

My Top 5 Animated Films | Disney Classic

My Top 5 Animated Films  | Disney Classic

Animated films can mean a lot to us, whether it be when we were young, learning, having fun, or when we are older, enjoying or even reminiscing, One of the biggest companies in the world Disney has generally always been on top form and has a mighty collection of animated films that have always entertained us, ignoring the late 90’s and early 2000’s when they weren’t doing so well at that. Their library is so fast and the range can satisfy almost everyone.… View Post

My Top 5 Sci-fi | In Space

My Top 5 Sci-fi | In Space

This top 5 spawned from a discussion with my friends, who are largely geeks, im a geek but they are the next level up, so as i asked them about this topic it went into a debate and thus the breakdown “in Space” was born, as Sci-fi was so broad i needed to segregate it. I do enjoy a good Sci-fi films and often some of my more enjoyable films of the past have been set in space, so what was my Top 5?… View Post

My Secret Love of Chick flick Film

My Secret Love of Chick flick Film

We all enjoy all sorts of different movies, I myself have quite a varied taste in them. Like movies, music, games, TV programs, etc I do not have a defined favourite, though LOTR probably goes the closest on Movies, but in reality, I don’t have favourite or have an overall top 5 of anything. I have to break it down into categories and subjects.… View Post